As course instructor:
University of Basel:
Spring 2022: Einführung in die Topologie (Introduction to topology):
Exercise sheets: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bonus
Solutions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Exercise classes:
University of Basel:
Spring 2023: Lineare Algebra II (Course instructor: Prof. Dr. Philipp Habegger)
Fall 2022: Komplexe Dynamik (Course instructor: Dr. Harry Schmidt)
Fall 2021: Algebraische Zahlentheorie (Course instructor: Prof. Dr. Philipp Habegger)
Spring 2021: Lineare Algebra II (Course instructor: Prof. Dr. Philipp Habegger)
Fall 2020: Zahlentheorie (Course instructor: Dr. Harry Schmidt)
Spring 2020: Lineare Algebra II (Course instructor Prof. Dr. Jérémy Blanc)
University of Mainz:
WS 2019/20: Lineare Algebra (Course instructor: Prof. Dr. Theo de Jong)
WS 2018/19: Zahlentheorie (Course instructor: Dr. Axel Stäbler)
SS 2018: Algebra II (Course instructor: Dr. Moritz Rahn)
SS 2017: Algebra II (Course instructor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ariyan Javanpeykar). Typed notes for two lectures as substitute: Der Hilbertsche Nullstellensatz, Der Krullsche Hauptidealsatz
WS 2016/17: Lineare Algebra und Geometrie II (Course instructor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ariyan Javanpeykar)